Headquarters: Santa Coloma, Andorra
Year Founded: 1975
Aliases: N/A

Andorra Telecom is the sole provider of fixed telephone services, mobile telephone services, subscription television and internet services in the Principality of Andorra.
It is a public company and is owned by the Government of Andorra. The business is also the sole caretaker of Andorran technical infrastructure and digital terrestrial TV broadcasting in the country - managing both national and foreign channels within the principality.
As of October 2018, Andorra Telecom had contracted 38,464 fixed telephone lines, 81,697 mobile telephone lines and 34,624 Internet lines, being considered a pioneer country in which all citizens have access to the Internet through optical fibre.
The company is managed by a board of directors with responsibility before the General Council of Andorra for the management, direction and representation of the service, and the administration and disposal of its assets and resources.
Geographic distribution MW

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